WORK PACKAGE 1: Assessment of the WGEA Products and Planning for the Future

WORK PACKAGE 1: Assessment of the WGEA Products and Planning for the Future

WORK PACKAGE 1: Assessment of the WGEA Products and Planning for the Future 

The INTOSAI WGEA has published 33 guidance materials, research papers and training materials in 1998– 2016, and nine additional materials in 2017–2019. However, these products seem to be underutilized to a certain extent. Work Package 1 aims at mapping the existing materials, assessing their present relevance, making them useful for the current projects, and identifying future topics. One proposed action for the subgroup is to create a long-term strategy for the INTOSAI WGEA. The INTOSAI WGEA will also plan the schedule for the update of INTOSAI documents focusing on the environment. 

Work Package 1 has been divided into three targets: analysis on the WGEA products and auditsplan for the future and planning the proper timing for the update of GUID 5202 and other GUIDs on environmental auditing 

Actions in the target for analysis on the WGEA products and audits 

  • Map and visualize all WGEA products published before 2017, identify the products that are useful for the Work Packages 2-4 
  • Assess the relevance of WGEA products and plan possible updates 
  • Analyze the audits in the WGEA database in order to contribute to the follow-up and review of SDGs 

Leaders: Secretariat and SAI Canada 

Project group: SAIs of the Czech Republic, Indonesia, Morocco, Nigeria, Sudan, Thailand and the USA  

Actions in the target to plan for the future 

  • Analyze the needs for additional topics that WGEA should cover in 2023–2025 
  • Consider evaluating the effectiveness of the WGEA and creating a long-term strategy for the WGEA, including identification of the areas where the INTOSAI WGEA should assume a strong role 

Actions are led by the project group. 

Actions in the target for planning the proper timing for the update of GUID 5202 and other GUIDs on environmental auditing 

  • Communicate with the INTOSAI WGEA thematic working groups, INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee and Knowledge Sharing Committee about the updates 

Actions led by the Secretariat. sub-group has been formed for discussing updates to GUID 5202 in cooperation with the INTOSAI Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals and Key Sustainable Development Indicators, as well as potential updates to other environmental audit GUIDs.  

GUID sub-group: Secretariat, SAIs of Canada, China, Czech Republic, Indonesia and Morocco 


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